Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow



936 Weekends

From the moment a baby is born, the countdown begins. You are given the gift of 936 weekends with your child before they turn 18. 936. At first glance, it sounds like a lot. That's almost 1,000 weekends. Multiply it by two and you have…

In Praise of Slowness

Here are a few headlines that I read just today: Samsung Galaxy Note9: A Flagship Phone for Busy Millennials 5 Hacks for Busy Entrepreneurs Parents Are Too Busy To Potty Train We live in a culture that worships the cult of busy. Somehow, we have…

I Didn’t Know It Was the Last Time

As our kids grow up, we often keep notebooks to log their firsts: First Smile First Laugh First time rolling over First tooth First food First word First steps We share the firsts with our family, post them on Facebook and track them in baby…

The Deal All Mothers Make

When you become a mother, you agree to a deal. We all do it, because it seems completely reasonable at the time, but like all contracts, the fine print doesn't become clear until years later. It reads something like this: "I accept the gift of this…

I Can See Your Heartbeat

When I woke up this morning, you were still sleeping, but your body was very much awake. I looked at your arms stretched out and your little toes twitching. Then my eyes stopped when I saw your heart beating through your pajamas. It shouldn't be…
Sleepover Night

Why We Have a Sleepover Every Friday Night

Around the holidays, people tend to talk about the importance of traditions. Traditions bring families together and create a sense of stability and comfort. But the best traditions are the little ones that we drop into everyday life. In our home, every Friday night is…

The Girl in the Rearview Mirror

There's a girl in the rearview mirror. This is her first time in a car. She's sleeping soundly after recovering from her grand entrance into the world. We've just met, but I already love her more than I've ever loved anyone in my life.  …
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