Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow



I Will Always Carry You

You were very tired this morning when I lifted you out of bed and carried you downstairs. As the weight of your growing body pressed down on my arms, I knew in my head that I wouldn't be able to carry you much longer. But…

The Girl in the Rearview Mirror

There's a girl in the rearview mirror. This is her first time in a car. She's sleeping soundly after recovering from her grand entrance into the world. We've just met, but I already love her more than I've ever loved anyone in my life.  …

The Hurt That Every Mother Knows

I was heading to bed the other night and went into your room first to kiss you goodnight, like I always do. And you were sound asleep...and absolutely perfect. I watched you for a while. I smiled. I remembered. I wished. I prayed. And I…
three kids playing in sandbox

Let the Children Play…Alone

I've noticed a strange, and rather disturbing trend lately when I go to play areas with my daughter. The disturbing thing is called parents. I absolutely believe that parents should be watching their small kids to make sure that they don't get hurt, but they…
rubber duck

Lessons from My Bathtub

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going." -- Tennessee Williams ------------------------------- I was giving my daughter a bath last night when I noticed something amazing. She was playing with her submarine…
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