Make Music a Part of Every Day

As you go through life, you will experience so much. I wish that your life could be filled with only happy moments, but I know that this won’t be the case. In my life, I have used music to change my emotional state or to help me dig deeper into it.

Listen to music that makes you dance. Listen to music that makes you cry. You will learn one day that some music is great to drive to. Music can be such a sweet friend when nobody else quite understands you. It can help you to scream louder when you are angry and cry harder when you are sad.

You will find that music is one of the best and most loyal friends you will ever have. It doesn’t judge you or abandon you. And it doesn’t mind being used.

Blast it in your car, but please don’t blast it through headphones. I want you to enjoy music forever.

Categories: Daily Life Life
Tags: music
Sharon Suchoval: