Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow



You are a Warrior

Life is exciting, colorful, and yes, difficult. Just when you think you've got everything under control, an obstacle will write itself into your perfectly planned story. Friends will let you down. Companies will let you go. Illness will creep its way under your skin and…

Superheroes Wear Yoga Pants

I'd like to tell you a story about a little girl. When my daughter was about two years old, we were at Target when she needed to use the restroom. She didn’t know which was the girl's and which was the boy's. So I looked…

Climb the Steepest Mountain

There are times in life when you are tired and you want to go for a leisurely walk. You want to relax and take in the scenery and just enjoy the moment. There are other times when you need to strive to be the very…

Start with Yes

Life can get boring very quickly if you let it. Routines wiggle their way into your life and before you know it, your daily groove has dug itself into a trench. And there you are. Stuck in the mud. Why Start with Yes? An easy…

Do Something Small Today

Imagine waking up in the morning and deciding that today is the day you will change the world...or change your life...or flip the script that you've been following. You can. You can start right now, but it might not look as impressive as waking up…

New Year, New Yearly Theme

At the start of each year, I choose a word that I want to define it. Last year that word was "Learn." I read 130 books covering dozens of different genres. I read over 50 blogs. I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. I…
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